


  • 项目类型:售楼部、样板房
  • 项目面积:700m²
  • 完成时间:2020年8月

从现代主义、当代艺术、书院、美术馆、园林的方式切入,相互融合来讲述。晨光、午日、黄昏,不同时段、不同季节的阳光照进空间,亦如翁森“四时读书乐”中的精神家园。提出“ 将园林艺术中的东方审美,回应现代主义的自然与豁达。呈现柔和、雅洁,平静自然的和谐场域。”从中国古代山水书画中寻找设计的灵感,诗意的都市自然,新的美学特征诠释文化意境,回归自然的场所精神。

From the modernism, the contemporary art, the academy, the art gallery, the garden way cuts in, the mutual fusion tells the story. In the morning, afternoon and evening, sunlight in different time periods and seasons shines into the space, which is also like the spiritual home of Weng Sen's "Four Hours of Reading and Music". It is proposed that the Oriental aesthetics in garden art should respond to the nature and generosity of modernism. It presents a gentle, elegant, peaceful and natural harmonious field." From the ancient Chinese landscape painting and calligraphy to find the inspiration of design, poetic urban nature, new aesthetic features interpretation of cultural artistic conception, return to the natural place spirit.