


  • 项目类型:餐饮空间、品牌餐饮、面馆设计
  • 项目面积:235m²
  • 完成时间:2019年9月

KiKi,一个面馆里的“文艺青年”,不追求热闹与喧嚣,更想用温馨静谧的空间为每一位来到这里的人辟得一处心灵放空的场所,哪怕是一个短暂的走神,于今日之中行色匆匆的都市人,也是一种不可多得温柔。KiKi面馆是来自中国台湾的品牌,概念是来自台湾传统建筑,屋檐下的庭园,因此您可以看到天花板上有几个白色围合的屋檐,希望人们能感受到在屋檐下的庭院里吃碗好吃的面的感受。我们的想法是用现代方法来解释传统中国台湾建筑的空间逻辑。 当您在庭院里看着上方,屋檐成为天空的画框,更最重要的体验是在屋内望出欣赏庭院中的植物景观。

KiKi, a "literary youth" in a noodle shop, does not pursue the lively and noisy, but wants to use the warm and quiet space for everyone who comes here to create a place of spiritual emptiness, even if it is a temporary distraction, in today's city people in a hurry, is also a rare kind of gentleness. KiKi noodle shop is a brand from Taiwan, China. The concept comes from the traditional architecture of Taiwan, the garden under the eaves, so you can see several white eaves enclosed on the ceiling. I hope people can feel the feeling of eating bowls of delicious noodles in the courtyard under the eaves. The idea is to explain the spatial logic of traditional Chinese and Taiwanese architecture in a modern way. When you look up from the courtyard, the eaves become the picture frames of the sky, and the most important experience is to look out from inside and enjoy the landscape of plants in the courtyard.